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Salute to Education


Salute to Education Luncheon
Ellsworth High School Cafetorium
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Help us recognize our amazing teachers and school staff. It's well known that our community boasts an exceptional school system! From the lunch ladies and custodians to the administrators and teachers, the Ellsworth Community School District and St. Francis School staff are dedicated to helping our kids thrive and reach their fullest potential. Join us as we treat all school staff to lunch to show our support to all who go the extra mile for our kids throughout the school year.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Join us as an Honor Roll Sponsor...This package earns your business high marks!

  • Prime visibility - Your business' logo on event banner and table tents.
  • Event Exposure - Your business will be named as a major sponsor during event announcements.
  • Public Thank you - Your logo on a special "thank you" graphic posted to the Chamber website and Facebook page
  • Goody Bags - 300 items from your business to be donated for insertion into the goody bags distributed to each teacher.*
  • Lunch for the Teachers - You're the host! Two lunch tickets will allow you and your guest to network with staff during the event!

*Goody, promotional items or coupons only, no sales flyers or business cards alone, please.Items needed by Friday, August 16th at 4pm.

Only $150 ($200 without Goody Bag item)

Did you know...

  • Our local schools employ over 300 staff members who live and shop in our community?
  • Many of those staff members have spouses and children who are local consumers, too?
  • Once aware that a small business is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 80% more likely to purchase goods or services from them in the future?

Secure your sponsorship today!

Simply contact us to reserve your sponsorship spot, and we'll be happy to invoice you.

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