• Latest News

    From important area news, to chamber events and happenings -- Stay up to date on the Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce's work in the community. Don't forget to use the "share" buttons to share our news with your family and friends.
    Friday, January 19, 2018
    Who is the "Best of" the Ellsworth Area?

    The "Best of" Awards are a great way to recognize those within our membership who work so hard to go above and beyond for our community, acknowledging them based on what our area residents find most valuable.


    Wednesday, January 17, 2018
    A Message from your New Executive Team

    Hopefully, you feel as we do, that the transition so far has been a smooth one; perhaps you haven’t sensed a change at all. That’s great, although we hope as the year moves along you’ll begin to notice something exciting.


    Wednesday, January 10, 2018
    Valuable Training Opportunities for Chamber Members

    Thanks to a grant from the USDA, WEDC is offering several free training opportunities across the state. As a chamber member, you and your staff invited to take part!

    Admin Team